Final Project Proposal

I have decided to choose OPTION 1 for my final project. The idea of writing about monsters was tempting, as I love the topic of Aliens, but my want to cultivate a personal and collective view on how we can actually transform our planet won out. I want to be be the kindest husband, father, and friend. I feel I need to look deeply into the opposing views of non-violence, compassion, and kindness. I would also like to understand why the military acts with out communicating with their potential adversaries. Finally, I feel the need to create a document (essay) that I could insert into a cycle that would bring knowledge to others.

My primary text will be – Together We Are One by Thich Nhat Hanh, whose biography cam be found here. I will also be using an audio book by the same author, True Love. As for my secondary sources I am going to use the government document “Principal for a New American Century” (PNAC), I am also going to use Rumi’s poetry as well as some paintings that depict war and love. For my research methods I will surely access Proquest as well as Yavapai’s wonderful network of libraries.

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